If You've Stumbled Upon This Page...

First off, our apologies.

This is not an actual blog, per se (though it does look pretty, doesn't it?). This is a place designed for the Pretty Staffers of Pretty in Fiction to test codes and things for subsequent use on Pretty in Fiction, or one of our other blogs before it goes live for our readers to see.

Some of the words you find below might not make sense when put together, and you may find incomplete posts as though they were done. All of it serves a purpose as we try to better ourselves as bloggers and learn how to properly code certain things.

That said, if you see something below that we figured out that you've been trying to figure out, just leave a comment on the appropriate post (with a contact email, if you like, thought it's not necessary) and we'd be happy to share out new-found knowledge.

Also, if you'd like to check out one of our actual blogs, just click on the appropriate link on the navbar above, or look in the footer section of this blog to start reading our latest posts.

- The Pretty Staffers of Pretty in Fiction, this test blog, et al.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Spoilers/Hidden Text - Attempt 2

This is a test, obviously. Source: http://tips.blogdoctor.me/2007/11/create-spoilers-in-blog-posts.html

Click Me
blabbit, blabbity, blabbity. Can we hide a picture here? hmmm... Let's give it a go, shall we?

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